Bid Opportunities
Current bids for Three Rivers will be posted below. Prospective vendors may request a copy of the Request for Proposal by calling the Procurement Office at 573-840-9658.
Sealed Bid Request for Lawn Care Services
Three Rivers College is seeking bids for Lawn Care Services for the Three Rivers College campus.
The College will require the successful bidder to provide labor to maintain the campus grounds in a satisfactory manner as determined by the College. The subsequent Lawn Care Services contract will be structured for a term of 3 years (mowing seasons) – 4/1/25 through 10/31/27.
Lawn Care Services Specification Attachment
Campus Map – Lawn Care Services
The College reserves the right to accept or reject a bid in part or in its entirety. If a bid is to be accepted or rejected only in its entirety, notate the exclusion at the top right corner of the first page of the proposal. Any bid proposal not exclusively marked “entirety” will be accepted or rejected in part or entirety, at the College’s discretion. Questions or concerns should be addressed to the College Purchasing Department prior to bid submission.
A signed copy of the bid must be received in a sealed envelope plainly marked “Lawn Care Services” with the date and time of the bid opening in the lower left corner of the envelope. A representative of the company/person submitting the bid must sign bids, in ink. Bids should be submitted to the Three Rivers College, Purchasing Department, 2080 Three Rivers Blvd., Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 prior to the bid opening. The use of email is also an acceptable means to send and receive bids. When using this method please send bid/proposal to:
Bid opening will be on March 18, 2025 at 2:00 pm in the Westover Administration Building Room 109G. Three Rivers reserves the right to reject any and all bids that it feels are not in its best interest.
Bid results may be obtained by emailing the purchasing department at Please include the bid name and the date of the bid opening when requesting the form. The time it takes for final bid results to be made public depends on the project cost and complexity.
Inquiries about this request should be made to:
Purchasing Department
Three Rivers College
2080 Three Rivers Blvd
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
Phone: 573-840-9698
Fax: 573-840-9186
We are requesting the per service bid be submitted for the following:
Lawn Care Services – Specification Attachment 1
Campus Map
- All submitted bids are considered to be severable by parts and the College reserves the right to accept/reject bids in part or in entirety, less otherwise noted in the top right corner of the first page of the proposal.
- Three Rivers reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine the bidder that best suits the needs of the College.
- Three Rivers reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts of a bid and waive technicalities, and to adjust quantities.
- The College will normally award contracts to the vendor submitting the most competitive bid that meets all requirements of the bid specifications. In the event of like quotations, purchases shall be made from the vendor the College determines is likely to provide the best service to the College. Other factors being equal, preference will be given to vendors whose primary place of business is within the College’s taxing district.
- All bids will be considered final. No additions, deletions, corrections, or adjustments will be accepted after the time of bid opening.
- All bid pricing will be valid for 60 days.
- All delivery costs or charges shall be included in the F.O.B. destination bid price.
- City, County and State of Missouri Sales Tax and Federal Taxes are not applicable to sales made to Three Rivers and must be excluded.
- The electronic version of this bid/RFP is available upon request. The document was entered into WORD for Microsoft Windows. The office of the Chief Financial Officer shall not guarantee the completeness and accuracy of any information provided on the electronic version. Therefore, respondents are cautioned that the hard copy of this bid/RFP on file in the office of the Chief Financial Officer governs in the event of a discrepancy between the information on the electronic version and that which is on the hard copy.
- Vendors are required to clearly identify any deviations from the specifications in this document.
- An authorized officer of the company submitting the bid must sign all bids.
- All prices and notations must be in ink or typewritten on the attached form. Mistakes must be crossed out, corrections typed adjacent and must be initialed in ink by person signing the bid.
- Three Rivers will not award any bid to an individual or business having any outstanding amounts due from a prior Contract or business relationship with the College.
- Sealed proposals received after the designated time of the receipt of the sealed proposals will be considered as No Bid and Void and will not be opened.
- The successful bidder is specifically denied the right to use in any form or medium the names of Three Rivers for public advertising unless express written permission is granted.
- All bidders must possess the necessary and appropriate business and/or professional licenses in their field.
- The successful bidder will hold harmless the College from any claim or liability asserted against it by reason of the negligence of the successful bidder, its agents, servants and employees in the operation, maintenance and otherwise handling of the equipment and/or machines involved in this agreement.
- Bidding and purchasing procedures are in accordance with the Missouri Statute 105.458.2, RSMo.
- The Contract expresses the complete agreement of the parties. Any changes, additions, or modifications in any manner are not authorized by any other individual other than the Chief Financial Officer.
- The College commits itself to the policy that there shall be no unlawful discrimination against any person because of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, disability, age, gender, or national origin.
- If applicable, attention is called to the provision for equal employment opportunity and payment of not less than the minimum prevailing wage specific to construction jobs over $75,000.00 and the area based on current prevailing wage determination. Certified payrolls will be required prior to release of any payment.
Surplus Purchasing
Any surplus items offered for purchase by Three Rivers College can be found at the link below. All sales are final.