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Academic OneFile This link opens in a new window
Premier source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources. With extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects, Academic OneFile contains millions of articles available in both PDF and HTML full-text with no restrictions. -
Academic Search Elite This link opens in a new window
Contains full text for more than 2,100 journals, covering most academic subjects. -
Agricola This link opens in a new window
Bibliographic database of citations to the agricultural literature created by the National Agricultural Library and its cooperators. -
Business Source Elite This link opens in a new window
This resource provides full-text coverage of scholarly business, management and economics journals. The collection also includes publications covering topics such as accounting, banking, finance, international business, marketing, sales and more. More than 1,100 full-text business publications. -
CINAHL Complete This link opens in a new window
This is the definitive research tool for nursing and allied health professionals. With CINAHL Complete, users get fast and easy full-text access to top journals, evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons and more. -
EBSCO This link opens in a new window
Source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from leading journals and reference sources covering a wide range of topics. -
ERIC, the Education Resources Information Center This link opens in a new window
The world's largest digital library of education literature. -
Ferguson's Career Guidance Center This link opens in a new window
Provides access to a collection of job and industry profiles, job search and workplace skills, and career and industry resources, including over 300 streaming videos. -
Gale This link opens in a new window
Premier source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources that cover a wide range of topics. -
General OneFile This link opens in a new window
A one-stop source for news and periodical articles on a wide range of topics: business, computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, health care, hobbies, humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social science, sports, technology, and many general interest topics. Millions of full-text articles, many with images. Updated daily. -
JSTOR This link opens in a new window
Provides access to a wide selection of journals aimed primarily at the humanities and social sciences. This resource will provide users with access to millions of articles. -
Learning Express This link opens in a new window
Offers a wide variety of practice tests, exercises, skill-building courses, and information needed to achieve results at school, at work, or in life. -
Opposing Viewpoints In Context This link opens in a new window
For the researcher needing contrasting viewpoints on current controversial topics, this resource provides continuously updated articles; topic overviews; primary source documents; statistics; images; videos; audio files and links to vetted websites. -
Overdrive This link opens in a new window
Find ebooks and audiobooks for your personal device.
Academic OneFile This link opens in a new window
Premier source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources. With extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects, Academic OneFile contains millions of articles available in both PDF and HTML full-text with no restrictions. -
Academic Search Elite This link opens in a new window
Contains full text for more than 2,100 journals, covering most academic subjects. -
Agricola This link opens in a new window
Bibliographic database of citations to the agricultural literature created by the National Agricultural Library and its cooperators. -
American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 1 - 5 This link opens in a new window
1691 through 1877.
Presents over 500 titles from 1691 through 1877. Representing centuries of print culture from early colonial imports to titles published on American soil during the Revolution and early republic. Created from periodical holdings from one of the premier repositories in the United States, the American Antiquarian Society. The entire AAS collection features over 7500 titles from the seventeenth through the late nineteenth century. Broad subject areas covered in the collection reach into every facet of American life, including science, literature, medicine, agriculture, women’s fashion, family life, and religion.
Book Collection Nonfiction: Elementary School Edition This link opens in a new window
Contains informative abstracts and searchable full text for more than 1,290 popular nonfiction books. The database includes high interest titles on animals, weather, holidays, Native Americans, United States, Canada, biographies, civics and more. -
Book Collection Nonfiction: High School Edition This link opens in a new window
Contains informative abstracts and searchable full text for more than 2,440 popular nonfiction books. The database includes high interest titles on careers, health, ethnicity, disabilities, technology, biographies, music, science, history, civics and more. -
Book Collection Nonfiction: Middle School Edition This link opens in a new window
Contains informative abstracts and searchable full text for more than 3,100 popular nonfiction books. The database includes high interest titles on careers, health, ethnicity, disabilities, technology, biographies, history, science, women, civics and more. -
Books in Print This link opens in a new window
Discover titles similar to books you already enjoy. -
Business Source Elite This link opens in a new window
This resource provides full-text coverage of scholarly business, management and economics journals. The collection also includes publications covering topics such as accounting, banking, finance, international business, marketing, sales and more. More than 1,100 full-text business publications.
CINAHL Complete This link opens in a new window
This is the definitive research tool for nursing and allied health professionals. With CINAHL Complete, users get fast and easy full-text access to top journals, evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons and more. -
Consumer Health Complete This link opens in a new window
Provides content covering all areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated medicine. In addition, Consumer Health Complete includes the Clinical Reference System and the Lexi-PAL Drug Guide, which provides access to up-to-date, concise and clinically relevant drug monographs.
Digital Theatre Plus This link opens in a new window
80+ Study Guides accompanying curriculum mapped educational content, written by leading academics to help students with dramatic texts. 330+ HD recordings of hundreds of live captured performances across theater, ballet, opera and classical music. 220+ Interviews with actors, directors, and backstage crew providing an (often unseen insight), into the workings of a theatre and what it takes to stage a play.
EBSCO This link opens in a new window
Source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from leading journals and reference sources covering a wide range of topics. -
ERIC, the Education Resources Information Center This link opens in a new window
The world's largest digital library of education literature. -
Explora Educators Edition This link opens in a new window
Explora educators edition offers new resources like lesson plans, students tools, curriculum standards and links to sites valuable for teachers. Through this interface you can search more than 2100 full text scholarly journals and over 1,700 peer-reviewed, full-text journals. The collection provides a focus on education by providing full text for over 500 high-quality education journals.
Ferguson's Career Guidance Center This link opens in a new window
Provides access to a collection of job and industry profiles, job search and workplace skills, and career and industry resources, including over 300 streaming videos. -
Films on Demand: Allied Health This link opens in a new window
This collection will help prepare future allied health professionals for practice across a diverse range of healthcare settings, whether they are learning how to draw blood, administer medications, or help deliver a baby. The videos include titles from trusted producers such as Elsevier, NEVCO, Center for Phlebotomy Education, InJoy Health Education, Classroom Productions, and others. -
Films on Demand: Archival Films & Newsreels Collection This link opens in a new window
This collection is a treasure trove of archival and historical films from multiple sources. -
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia This link opens in a new window
This database provides over 25,000 encyclopedic entries covering a variety of subject areas.
Gale This link opens in a new window
Premier source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources that cover a wide range of topics. -
General OneFile This link opens in a new window
A one-stop source for news and periodical articles on a wide range of topics: business, computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, health care, hobbies, humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social science, sports, technology, and many general interest topics. Millions of full-text articles, many with images. Updated daily.
HeritageQuest This link opens in a new window
HeritageQuest® Online is a comprehensive database of American genealogical sources—rich in unique primary sources, local and family histories, and finding aids. It delivers an essential collection of genealogical and historical sources—with coverage dating back to the 1700s.
Issues & Controversies This link opens in a new window
Understand today's crucial issues by exploring hundreds of hot topics in politics, government, business, society, education, and popular culture. Updated weekly, with a 15-year backfile, Issues & Controversies offers in-depth articles made to inspire thought-provoking debates. Ideal resource for research papers, debate preparation, and persuasive writing assignments.
JSTOR This link opens in a new window
Provides access to a wide selection of journals aimed primarily at the humanities and social sciences. This resource will provide users with access to millions of articles.
Learning Express This link opens in a new window
Offers a wide variety of practice tests, exercises, skill-building courses, and information needed to achieve results at school, at work, or in life.
MAS Ultra This link opens in a new window
Contains full text for nearly 500 popular, high school magazines. MAS Ultra – School Edition also provides more than 360 full text reference books, 85,670 biographies, over 107,000 primary source documents, and an Image Collection of over 510,000 photos, maps & flags, color PDFs and expanded full text backfiles (back to 1975) for key magazines. -
MasterFILE Premier This link opens in a new window
This multidisciplinary database provides full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals with full-text information dating as far back as 1975. Covering virtually every subject area of general interest, MasterFILE Premier also contains full text for nearly 500 reference books and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps & flags. -
Medline This link opens in a new window
Medline offers reliable, up-to-date health information, anytime, anywhere, for free. -
Middle Search Plus This link opens in a new window
Provides full text for more than 140 popular, middle school magazines. All full text articles included in the database are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). Full text is also available for thousands of biographies and historical essays. Middle Search Plus also contains 84,774 biographies, 105,786 primary source documents, and a School Image Collection of photos, maps and flags.
Newspaper Source This link opens in a new window
Cover-to-cover full text for more than 40 (U.S.) & international newspapers. The database also contains selective full text for 389 regional (U.S.) newspapers. In addition, full text television & radio news transcripts are also provided.
OpenDissertations This link opens in a new window
OpenDisertations has 800,000 theses and dissertations from 1933 to the present. OpenDissertations is an open-access database built to assist researchers in locating both historic and contemporary dissertations and theses. Created with the generous support of the H.W. Wilson Foundation and the Congregational Library & Archives in Boston, it incorporates EBSCO’s previously released American Doctoral Dissertations, and features additional dissertation metadata contributed by select colleges and universities from around the world. Providing researchers with citations to graduate research across a span of time, from the early 20th century to the present, this database will continue to grow through regular updates and new partnerships with graduate degree-granting institutions. -
Opposing Viewpoints In Context This link opens in a new window
For the researcher needing contrasting viewpoints on current controversial topics, this resource provides continuously updated articles; topic overviews; primary source documents; statistics; images; videos; audio files and links to vetted websites. -
Overdrive This link opens in a new window
Find ebooks and audiobooks for your personal device. -
Oxford Reference Online This link opens in a new window
A basic service with 135+ core Oxford dictionaries that feature short entry content and a collection of 200+ more in-depth, specialized encyclopedias and companions.
Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) This link opens in a new window
The Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR) is a commercially published compilation of manufacturers' prescribing information (package insert) on prescription drugs, updated annually. -
Primary Search This link opens in a new window
Provides full text for more than 70 popular, magazines for elementary school research. All full text articles included in the database are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles), and full text information dates as far back as 1990. -
Professional Development Collection This link opens in a new window
Designed for professional educators, this database provides a highly specialized collection of nearly 520 high quality education journals, including more than 350 peer-reviewed titles. This database also contains more than 200 educational reports.
Science Reference Center This link opens in a new window
Comprehensive research database that provides easy access to a multitude of full text science-oriented content. This database contains full text for nearly 640 science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, etc. Topics covered include: biology, chemistry, earth & space science, environmental science, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science & society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology and wildlife.
Agricola This link opens in a new window
Bibliographic database of citations to the agricultural literature created by the National Agricultural Library and its cooperators.
Films on Demand This link opens in a new window
Provides access to thousands of videos covering a wide variety of humanities and social science topics, and hundreds of videos pertaining specifically to technical training. -
JSTOR This link opens in a new window
Provides access to a wide selection of journals aimed primarily at the humanities and social sciences. This resource will provide users with access to millions of articles.
MAS Ultra This link opens in a new window
Contains full text for nearly 500 popular, high school magazines. MAS Ultra – School Edition also provides more than 360 full text reference books, 85,670 biographies, over 107,000 primary source documents, and an Image Collection of over 510,000 photos, maps & flags, color PDFs and expanded full text backfiles (back to 1975) for key magazines. -
Middle Search Plus This link opens in a new window
Provides full text for more than 140 popular, middle school magazines. All full text articles included in the database are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). Full text is also available for thousands of biographies and historical essays. Middle Search Plus also contains 84,774 biographies, 105,786 primary source documents, and a School Image Collection of photos, maps and flags. -
Primary Search This link opens in a new window
Provides full text for more than 70 popular, magazines for elementary school research. All full text articles included in the database are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles), and full text information dates as far back as 1990.
Business Source Elite This link opens in a new window
This resource provides full-text coverage of scholarly business, management and economics journals. The collection also includes publications covering topics such as accounting, banking, finance, international business, marketing, sales and more. More than 1,100 full-text business publications. -
Global Road Warrior This link opens in a new window
Comprehensive reference source for business travel, telecommunications and business culture. -
JSTOR This link opens in a new window
Provides access to a wide selection of journals aimed primarily at the humanities and social sciences. This resource will provide users with access to millions of articles.
Ferguson's Career Guidance Center This link opens in a new window
Provides access to a collection of job and industry profiles, job search and workplace skills, and career and industry resources, including over 300 streaming videos. -
Films on Demand This link opens in a new window
Provides access to thousands of videos covering a wide variety of humanities and social science topics, and hundreds of videos pertaining specifically to technical training. -
Learning Express This link opens in a new window
Offers a wide variety of practice tests, exercises, skill-building courses, and information needed to achieve results at school, at work, or in life.
Films on Demand This link opens in a new window
Provides access to thousands of videos covering a wide variety of humanities and social science topics, and hundreds of videos pertaining specifically to technical training.
Films on Demand This link opens in a new window
Provides access to thousands of videos covering a wide variety of humanities and social science topics, and hundreds of videos pertaining specifically to technical training.
Access Military, Government, and Defense This link opens in a new window
Provides extensive coverage of the Armed Forces and U.S. federal government, as well as military and defense news, issues, strategies, careers and lifestyles, pay and benefits, training, law, equipment, technology and much more. -
Films on Demand This link opens in a new window
Provides access to thousands of videos covering a wide variety of humanities and social science topics, and hundreds of videos pertaining specifically to technical training.
Book Collection Nonfiction: Elementary School Edition This link opens in a new window
Contains informative abstracts and searchable full text for more than 1,290 popular nonfiction books. The database includes high interest titles on animals, weather, holidays, Native Americans, United States, Canada, biographies, civics and more. -
Book Collection Nonfiction: High School Edition This link opens in a new window
Contains informative abstracts and searchable full text for more than 2,440 popular nonfiction books. The database includes high interest titles on careers, health, ethnicity, disabilities, technology, biographies, music, science, history, civics and more. -
Book Collection Nonfiction: Middle School Edition This link opens in a new window
Contains informative abstracts and searchable full text for more than 3,100 popular nonfiction books. The database includes high interest titles on careers, health, ethnicity, disabilities, technology, biographies, history, science, women, civics and more. -
ERIC, the Education Resources Information Center This link opens in a new window
The world's largest digital library of education literature. -
Films on Demand This link opens in a new window
Provides access to thousands of videos covering a wide variety of humanities and social science topics, and hundreds of videos pertaining specifically to technical training. -
Learning Express This link opens in a new window
Offers a wide variety of practice tests, exercises, skill-building courses, and information needed to achieve results at school, at work, or in life. -
MAS Ultra This link opens in a new window
Contains full text for nearly 500 popular, high school magazines. MAS Ultra – School Edition also provides more than 360 full text reference books, 85,670 biographies, over 107,000 primary source documents, and an Image Collection of over 510,000 photos, maps & flags, color PDFs and expanded full text backfiles (back to 1975) for key magazines. -
Middle Search Plus This link opens in a new window
Provides full text for more than 140 popular, middle school magazines. All full text articles included in the database are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). Full text is also available for thousands of biographies and historical essays. Middle Search Plus also contains 84,774 biographies, 105,786 primary source documents, and a School Image Collection of photos, maps and flags. -
Primary Search This link opens in a new window
Provides full text for more than 70 popular, magazines for elementary school research. All full text articles included in the database are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles), and full text information dates as far back as 1990. -
Professional Development Collection This link opens in a new window
Designed for professional educators, this database provides a highly specialized collection of nearly 520 high quality education journals, including more than 350 peer-reviewed titles. This database also contains more than 200 educational reports.
Academic OneFile This link opens in a new window
Premier source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources. With extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects, Academic OneFile contains millions of articles available in both PDF and HTML full-text with no restrictions. -
Academic Search Elite This link opens in a new window
Contains full text for more than 2,100 journals, covering most academic subjects. -
Books in Print This link opens in a new window
Discover titles similar to books you already enjoy. -
General OneFile This link opens in a new window
A one-stop source for news and periodical articles on a wide range of topics: business, computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, health care, hobbies, humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social science, sports, technology, and many general interest topics. Millions of full-text articles, many with images. Updated daily. -
MAS Ultra This link opens in a new window
Contains full text for nearly 500 popular, high school magazines. MAS Ultra – School Edition also provides more than 360 full text reference books, 85,670 biographies, over 107,000 primary source documents, and an Image Collection of over 510,000 photos, maps & flags, color PDFs and expanded full text backfiles (back to 1975) for key magazines. -
MasterFILE Premier This link opens in a new window
This multidisciplinary database provides full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals with full-text information dating as far back as 1975. Covering virtually every subject area of general interest, MasterFILE Premier also contains full text for nearly 500 reference books and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps & flags. -
Middle Search Plus This link opens in a new window
Provides full text for more than 140 popular, middle school magazines. All full text articles included in the database are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). Full text is also available for thousands of biographies and historical essays. Middle Search Plus also contains 84,774 biographies, 105,786 primary source documents, and a School Image Collection of photos, maps and flags. -
Overdrive This link opens in a new window
Find ebooks and audiobooks for your personal device. -
Primary Search This link opens in a new window
Provides full text for more than 70 popular, magazines for elementary school research. All full text articles included in the database are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles), and full text information dates as far back as 1990.
Global Road Warrior This link opens in a new window
Comprehensive reference source for business travel, telecommunications and business culture.
Films on Demand This link opens in a new window
Provides access to thousands of videos covering a wide variety of humanities and social science topics, and hundreds of videos pertaining specifically to technical training.
JSTOR This link opens in a new window
Provides access to a wide selection of journals aimed primarily at the humanities and social sciences. This resource will provide users with access to millions of articles.
Access International News This link opens in a new window
Access to over a thousand international news sources from scores of countries on six continents, translated into English when written in other languages. -
Access Military, Government, and Defense This link opens in a new window
Provides extensive coverage of the Armed Forces and U.S. federal government, as well as military and defense news, issues, strategies, careers and lifestyles, pay and benefits, training, law, equipment, technology and much more. -
Issues & Controversies This link opens in a new window
Understand today's crucial issues by exploring hundreds of hot topics in politics, government, business, society, education, and popular culture. Updated weekly, with a 15-year backfile, Issues & Controversies offers in-depth articles made to inspire thought-provoking debates. Ideal resource for research papers, debate preparation, and persuasive writing assignments. -
Newspaper Source This link opens in a new window
Cover-to-cover full text for more than 40 (U.S.) & international newspapers. The database also contains selective full text for 389 regional (U.S.) newspapers. In addition, full text television & radio news transcripts are also provided. -
Opposing Viewpoints In Context This link opens in a new window
For the researcher needing contrasting viewpoints on current controversial topics, this resource provides continuously updated articles; topic overviews; primary source documents; statistics; images; videos; audio files and links to vetted websites.
CINAHL Complete This link opens in a new window
This is the definitive research tool for nursing and allied health professionals. With CINAHL Complete, users get fast and easy full-text access to top journals, evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons and more. -
Consumer Health Complete This link opens in a new window
Provides content covering all areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated medicine. In addition, Consumer Health Complete includes the Clinical Reference System and the Lexi-PAL Drug Guide, which provides access to up-to-date, concise and clinically relevant drug monographs. -
Medline This link opens in a new window
Medline offers reliable, up-to-date health information, anytime, anywhere, for free.
JSTOR This link opens in a new window
Provides access to a wide selection of journals aimed primarily at the humanities and social sciences. This resource will provide users with access to millions of articles.
Films on Demand This link opens in a new window
Provides access to thousands of videos covering a wide variety of humanities and social science topics, and hundreds of videos pertaining specifically to technical training.
Films on Demand This link opens in a new window
Provides access to thousands of videos covering a wide variety of humanities and social science topics, and hundreds of videos pertaining specifically to technical training.
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia This link opens in a new window
This database provides over 25,000 encyclopedic entries covering a variety of subject areas. -
Oxford Islamic Studies Online This link opens in a new window
This authoritative, dynamic resource brings together the best current scholarship in the field for students, scholars, government officials, and community groups, to foster a more accurate and informed understanding of the Islamic world. Oxford Islamic Studies Online features reference content and commentary by renowned scholars in areas such as global Islamic history, concepts, people, practices, politics, and culture. The site is regularly updated as new content is commissioned and approved under the guidance of Editor in Chief, John L. Esposito. -
Science Reference Center This link opens in a new window
Comprehensive research database that provides easy access to a multitude of full text science-oriented content. This database contains full text for nearly 640 science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, etc. Topics covered include: biology, chemistry, earth & space science, environmental science, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science & society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology and wildlife.
Science Reference Center This link opens in a new window
Comprehensive research database that provides easy access to a multitude of full text science-oriented content. This database contains full text for nearly 640 science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, etc. Topics covered include: biology, chemistry, earth & space science, environmental science, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science & society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology and wildlife.
Issues & Controversies This link opens in a new window
Understand today's crucial issues by exploring hundreds of hot topics in politics, government, business, society, education, and popular culture. Updated weekly, with a 15-year backfile, Issues & Controversies offers in-depth articles made to inspire thought-provoking debates. Ideal resource for research papers, debate preparation, and persuasive writing assignments. -
JSTOR This link opens in a new window
Provides access to a wide selection of journals aimed primarily at the humanities and social sciences. This resource will provide users with access to millions of articles. -
Opposing Viewpoints In Context This link opens in a new window
For the researcher needing contrasting viewpoints on current controversial topics, this resource provides continuously updated articles; topic overviews; primary source documents; statistics; images; videos; audio files and links to vetted websites. -
Oxford Islamic Studies Online This link opens in a new window
This authoritative, dynamic resource brings together the best current scholarship in the field for students, scholars, government officials, and community groups, to foster a more accurate and informed understanding of the Islamic world. Oxford Islamic Studies Online features reference content and commentary by renowned scholars in areas such as global Islamic history, concepts, people, practices, politics, and culture. The site is regularly updated as new content is commissioned and approved under the guidance of Editor in Chief, John L. Esposito.
Films on Demand This link opens in a new window
Provides access to thousands of videos covering a wide variety of humanities and social science topics, and hundreds of videos pertaining specifically to technical training.
Films on Demand This link opens in a new window
Provides access to thousands of videos covering a wide variety of humanities and social science topics, and hundreds of videos pertaining specifically to technical training.