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The Three Rivers Endowment Trust recently awarded its Excellence Fund grants. Donations earmarked to the Excellence Fund are awarded through a grant application process where Three Rivers College faculty and staff can apply for funding to enhance the educational experience and image of the College.

More than $6,000 was awarded for the following projects:

  • New technology lecterns for student presentations to the speech communications department at Three Rivers College. These lecterns will be more compatible with new forms of technology used by students.
  • A teleprompter and iPad for the Communications Department to use for video production for use in promoting the College and its programs.
  • A backdrop with the College’s new logo to be used at Three Rivers College events.
  • A roundtable luncheon for Constitution Day speakers (who are experts in the discipline) and 10 students chosen at random.

“We are thankful for the donors that make these awards possible,” said Christy Frazier-Moore, TRET Chair and a member of the scholarship committee that selects the projects. “We know how much the faculty and staff appreciate the support for these projects that may not otherwise be funded.”

Social Science faculty Judith Davis and Dr. Ryan Bixby expressed their excitement to receive this award for their Sept. 17 Constitution Day event. “The focus of the event is to provide students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to hear from a variety of experts in the field regarding their interpretations and perspectives of the Bill of Rights,” said Bixby. “This seminar will be hosted on the Poplar Bluff campus and broadcast to the external locations so all have an opportunity to participate and engage with the speakers.”

Dr. Melissa Davis, Department Chair of Languages, Communication, Fine Arts, Agriculture at Three Rivers, said: “The TRC Communication faculty are appreciative of the Excellence Fund award for new lecterns to house in each public speaking classroom. Students in our public speaking classes will now get to experience a modern lectern where wireless laptops, keyboards, and other technology can be housed while giving presentations.”

The teleprompter and iPad are welcome additions to the Communications Department’s video production equipment. “Video is an increasingly important method of publicizing the great things going on at Three Rivers and the great education available here,” said Carrie Franklin, Director of the TRC Communications Department. “We are thankful for the Endowment Trust and those contributing to the Excellence Fund for helping us more efficiently do our jobs.”

For more information about the Three Rivers Endowment Trust or Excellence Fund, visit, call 573-840-9077, or email

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