“My Father’s Dragon,” a children’s theater show performed by the Imaginary Theatre Company of St. Louis and presented by the Patrons of the Arts Society, will come to the Tinnin Fine Arts Center, Sunday, January 22, at 2 p.m. Admission is $5 per person, and the show is recommended for all ages. This Patrons performance is sponsored by Kissinger & Kirkman Investment Centre, LLC.
“The Imaginary Theatre Company continues to help us bring entertaining and educational children’s shows to the Tinnin Center,” said Tim Thompson, Director of the Tinnin Fine Arts Center. “I think that both children and their parents will find ‘My Father’s Dragon’ to be a great afternoon of entertainment.”
Based on the beloved Newbery Honor-Award-winning book, this comic adventure begins with Jim listening to his mother tell the story of Grandpa’s adventure to rescue a captive dragon. The tale sends Jim on a fantastic jungle journey past obstacles and wild animals to discover the importance of perseverance and the wonderful power of imagination. This show is recommended for grades K-3. Through the use of literature, folk tales, fairy tales, and new adaptations of classic works, the Imaginary Theatre Company provides the finest in theater for young theatergoers. The Company is part of the Repertory Theatre Company of St. Louis.
Tickets for the January 22 performance can be purchased online at trcc.edu/tinnin. Tickets are also available at the Poplar Bluff Chamber of Commerce, the Three Rivers College Financial Services Office, and at the door. The show will also be performed at select school venues across the region at no cost to students.
For a study guide for this production or for more information about the Imaginary Theatre Company, visit www.repstl.org. For more information on upcoming Patrons of the Arts performances, visit trcc.edu/tinnin.