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myTRCC Instructions

Logging into myTRCC

  1. Select myTRCC link located in the header on every page of the website. You can also bookmark the site for easier future access.
  2. At the log-in prompt, enter your email address. Your email address is the first initial of your first name and your entire last name followed by the last 4 digits of your Three Rivers Student ID number, and then
    • Example Student: Rocky Raider
    • Example Student ID#: 0123456
    • Example Email:
  3. Enter Your Password
    Returning Students:
    Your password has not been changed.
    New Students:
    Your initial password is a combination of the following: Example Student: Rocky Raider, born on July 1, 1966

    • Starts with dollar sign = $
    • First initial of first name, capitalized = R
    • First initial of last name, not capitalized = r
    • Birthday in numerical format: Month (2 digits), Day (2 digits), Year (4 digits) = 07011966
    • Ends in an exclamation point = !
    • Based on these criteria, the initial password would be $Rr07011966!
  4. Change your password (First log-in only). Upon login, you must change your password according to the new student password restrictions shown below.
    New Student Password Restrictions:
    Your new password must have 12 to 16 characters and contain:

    • Lowercase characters: a-z
    • Uppercase characters: A-Z
    • Numbers: 0-9
    • Symbols : ! # $ %

    Note: Passwords cannot contain the username alias (the part before @ symbol in your email address). Do not use your Social Security number; that is your private information.

  5. Once logged in to myTRCC, you will have access to your email, Blackboard, Raider Connect, Self-Service, Microsoft 365, and much more.
  6. Remember to log out. Make sure you log out when you are finished, especially when using a public access computer.

Email Instructions

Logging into Your Email

  1. Select myTRCC link located in the header on every page of the website. You can also bookmark the site for easier future access.
  2. At the log-in prompt, enter your email address and password. (See “Logging into myTRCC” above for full details on logging in.)
  3. Once logged in to myTRCC, use the Microsoft 365 card to access your email and other Microsoft tools.
  4. Then, select the Outlook icon. On a desktop, it will be located on the left side of the Microsoft 365 page. On your cell phone, the icons are at the top of the page.
  5. Remember to log out. Make sure you log out when you are finished, especially when using a public access computer.

Forgot Your Student Email Password

Contact the Welcome Center at 573-840-9605 and request a “student email password reset,” or make the request online. Within 24 hours of making your request, your password will be reset to your default initial password. Details on your initial password are in Step 3 under “Logging into myTRCC” above.

Forgot Your Employee Email Password

Contact Human Resources at 573-840-9695 to reset your password, or make the request online.

Email on your Mobile Device

The email app on your smartphone can be configured to receive your Three Rivers student email. For instructions on how to set up your account on your iOS or Android device, read the Mobile Phone Student Email Set-Up Guide.

Email Policy

Due to privacy regulations, Three Rivers offices are not permitted to release personally identifiable information via the telephone or email. Three Rivers reserves the right to remove any student from the email system due to unmet financial or other obligations and/or violation of the Acceptable Use Policy.

Blackboard Instructions

Blackboard is the web-based system used to access online courses and additional web portions of face-to-face courses. Students normally have access to the course syllabus and material starting the first day of the course. Login assistance is available by calling 573-840-9605.

Logging into Blackboard

  1. Select myTRCC link located in the header on every page of the website. You can also bookmark the site for easier future access.
  2. At the log-in prompt, enter your email address and password. (See “Logging into myTRCC” above for full details on logging in.)
  3. Once logged in to myTRCC, use the Blackboard card to access your Blackboard account.
  4. Remember to log out. Make sure you log out when you are finished, especially when using a public access computer.

Blackboard Support

  • Email the Office of Distance Learning Services for Blackboard support at immediately. Copy your instructor.
  • Please do not wait until the next day to report issues.
  • Include the Course Number, Type/Name/Location of Issue (Test, Assignment, Discussion Board), and a description of the problem you are experiencing.
  • You can find answers to many questions in the Three Rivers Knowledge Base for Students organization on Blackboard.

Self-Service (formerly myTRCC Self-Service)

Former Students/Former Employees/Proxy Users

If you are a former student, former employee, proxy user, or do not have an active Three Rivers email, you can use the Self-Service login screen.

At the log-in prompt, enter your username, which is the first initial of your first name and your entire last name followed by the last 4 digits of your Three Rivers Student ID number.

    • Example Student: Rocky Raider
    • Example Student ID#: 0123456
    • Example Email: rraider3456

If you need to reset your password, contact the Welcome Center at 573-840-9605 and request a “Self-Service password reset.” Within 24 hours of making your request, your password will be reset to your default initial password. Details on your initial password are in Step 3 under “Logging into myTRCC” above.

Main Campus
2080 Three Rivers Blvd., Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Summer Office Hours (June and July): Monday – Thursday,
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

P: (877) 879-8722 View all locations